Carer Service Review

There are over 25,000 fantastic carers across the borough of Rochdale doing a superb job supporting and caring for loved ones.
Elderly Carer

Rochdale Borough Council are seeking carers’ views at special engagement sessions which will help take the service to the next level. Ideas, suggestions and thoughts on the carers’ service would be most welcome. Your views matter, so this is your opportunity to help shape future carers’ services. Rochdale Council will shortly be re-commissioning the service so your ideas about how carers’ services should be delivered in the coming years are vital. Any changes made will be in the best interests of local carers.

Rochdale Borough Council would like to hear from you so simply complete and return the short survey below to:  RBC Adult Care and Support, Floor 3 , Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU or it can be emailed to

Rochdale Borough Council will collate all the information and comments, which will help to plan the future delivery of innovative care services.  The commissioning team from Rochdale Borough Council and Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Clinical Commissioning Group is leading this work and will be holding a series of drop in sessions across the borough, so please pop along to chat with the friendly team of staff who will be more than happy to answer your questions about the review.

Engagement Sessions

Mon 10th June - Heywood Magic Meeting Rooms - 9.30am - 12.30pm

Tues 11th June - Khubsuret House - Rochdale - 9.30am - 12.30pm

Weds 12th June - Coach House - Littleborough - 9.30am - 12.30pm

Thurs 13th June - Lighthouse Project - Middleton - 9.30am - 12.30pm

Monday 17th June - G12 Riverside Library - Rochdale - 9.30am - 12.30pm & 13.30pm - 16.30pm

Tues 18th June - Littleborough Library - 10.00am - 13.00pm

Thurs 20th June - Middleton Library - 10.00am - 13.00pm