Read the difference we have made to local health and care services in 2022/23

We have published our 2022/23 Annual Report showing how we have helped to shape and make a difference to local health and social care services.

Our annual report outlines our work over the last twelve months, including the contribution of our volunteers, the impact of our work and details of our future plans.

Our Annual Report highlights that in 2022/23 we:

  • Celebrated ten years of service
  • Recommenced our Enter and View Programme
  • Published reports on various issues including Menopause and GP Patient Participation Groups
  • Held an Open Day
  • Spoke to 461 local people about their experience of health and social care services
  • Gave information, advice and signposting support to 345 people
  • Worked with 60 volunteers

The annual report is a comprehensive showcase of all the work we have carried out over the past twelve months and I am really pleased with all the great work we have recently undertaken.

We have listened to the voice of Rochdale borough residents and used their experience as evidence to bring impactful change to the delivery of service from the health and social care system.

None of our work would have been possible without local people speaking to us, the staff team and our amazing volunteers and I want to thank everyone for their contribution to our work.

We have recently been awarded the contract to continue with the delivery of the Healthwatch service in the Rochdale borough and with the publication of our new workplan and strategy we have some great projects lined up for the coming year.

Kate Jones, Healthwatch Rochdale Chief Executive Officer


Healthwatch Rochdale Annual Report 2022/2023