Healthwatch Rochdale to begin a programme of Enter and View visits at Rochdale borough care homes based on eight care quality indicators

Healthwatch Rochdale are to begin a programme of Enter and View visits to nine care homes across the Rochdale borough to help identify areas for improvement and development
Care Home Graphic

The programme is being implemented following a recent public consultation and feedback received over the previous year. The Enter and View visits will be based on the following eight care home quality indicators developed by independent age. According to the indicators a good care home should:

  1. Have strong visible management
  2. Have staff with time and skills to do their jobs
  3. Have good knowledge of each individual resident and how their needs may be changing
  4. Offer a varied programme of activities
  5. Offer quality, choice and flexibility around food and mealtimes
  6. Ensure residents can regularly see health professionals such as GPs, dentists, opticians or chiropodists.
  7. Accommodate residents' personal, cultural and lifestyle needs
  8. Be an open environment where feedback is actively sought and used

Enter and View visits are a great way for us to speak to residents, family members, staff and management as well as getting to observe the daily running of the home. Based on the findings of the visit we will be making recommendations to help improve residential and nursing care across the borough

Kate Jones, Healthwatch Rochdale Chief Executive Officer

Healthwatch Rochdale are currently looking for volunteers to join the Enter and View team. If you are interested in taking part, then please telephone 01706 249 575.