We want a better understanding of how you feel about Healthwatch Rochdale, so we can evaluate our service and make improvements to us as an organisation.
We've come together in Rochdale to send Valentine's messages of love and solidarity to refugees in our community and show political leaders that we want a fair new plan for refugees 🧡
Healthwatch in Greater Manchester are interested in hearing from parents and carers who have supported children and young people to access (or trying to access) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Winter comes with a higher risk of health issues, particularly for older people or those with long-term conditions and compromised immune systems. Take a read of our latest information and advice document on how to stay well this winter.
Healthwatch Rochdale are holding an open day showcase event at the newly refurbished Rochdale Town Hall on Tuesday 6th February 2024 from 10:30am until 3:00pm and are inviting all Rochdale borough residents, VCFSE groups and professional partners to join them to network and learn more about the role and function of the organisation.
This Christmas Healthwatch Rochdale have chosen to donate to the “Reaching Out” event for the homeless and families in need organised by staff at Rochdale Care Organisation and to the Rochdale Borough Council Rochdale Giving Back: Christmas toy appeal in place of their usual tradition of sending Christmas cards.
This report has been written to give an introduction and overview of what Rochdale and Oldham Maternity Voices Partnership do, how they do it and to also present findings, provide updates on work undertaken so far and to share the view and work plan for the future covering 2021 to 2023.